Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day of School

It's the first day back to school for the crew and, alas, I am feeling too sick to appreciate it at the moment.  I was fine until late last night when I started to get a sore throat.  I don't do well with fans or air conditioning blowing directly on me and at first I thought that was the culprit.  But there was no way I was turning that fan off ... I was dying as it was even with it on.

Then I woke up this morning and knew better - unless, of course, I have suddenly become allergic to all the fans of various shapes, sorts and sizes in my house.  In which case I'm thinking I'm in big trouble - they're not calling for a break in this weather until Earl makes it way through here sometime on the weekend. 

I could be concerned about the possibility of a hurricane, I suppose.  Except that I feel to lousy to actually care. Meh, life just isn't fair.

Yeah, yeah, I know.  I'm the first one to ask my kids what in the world ever made them think life was fair when they start that whine. Still, it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to ...


Anonymous said...

Feel better... and batten down the hatches !!

Pogue said...

Hope you feel better soon!

doorkeeper said...

weather break there? Suddenly, it's frigid here...nice change.
Hoping you feel better! Earl grey tea, hot baths, and send everyone far far away for a while.....

Kris, in New England said...

Hope this finds you feeling much better. I know about that fan-blowing-on-me thing; when trapped in the tropical air of a hurricane you really don't have any other choice.